Today was make your own laundry detergent day. Not only can you save money by making your own detergent, you can control what goes into your washer. A friend directed me to the website, One Good Thing About Jillee and this awesome laundry detergent recipe. There is another liquid laundry detergent version too. I made a few substitutions and forgot to add one more bar of Zote (note the missing third bar in the photo)! Darn it...I had to add that after I had cleaned everything. :(
According to the article, this recipe should make enough laundry detergent to last one year for a family of 4.
3 Bars of Zote (or Fels Naptha) - $0.69 x 3 = $2.07 (99 Cent Only store)
1 Box Borax - $6.40 (Don't buy this at Ace Hardware like I did, it was more expensive than at the supermarket)
1 Box Washing Soda - $4.25
2 Cups Baking Soda - $0.99
2 Containers of Awesome Oxygen - $0.99 x 2 = $1.98
1 Bottle of Purex Fabric Softener Crystals - $6.98
Use 2 Tablespoons of detergent per load.
Total = $22.58 for 1 year's worth of laundry detergent
As instructed, I microwaved the soap for 30 seconds, decided it wasn't long enough and found that 60 seconds was too long. At least in my microwave. I suggest adding 10 second increments so your soap doesn't turn into a puddle of goo. I chopped the soap and added some washing soap to the food processor. By the way, this was the first time using this $4 food processor I bought at CVS a few years ago. It's kind of sad that the first thing I use it for is a non-food item.
Again, I took Jillee's tip about the trash bag and poured all of the ingredients into it and tied it up tight. The kid and I rolled the bag back and forth across the floor while the dogs chased us.
Here is the finished product. The Awesome Oxygen came with this cool little scoop that is just about 2 Tablespoons. I already did a load of laundry and it works great! There are some other homemade cleaner recipes on the Jillee site that I want to try since I have asthma and chemical cleaners cause me some major problems and attacks. Yuck! But I suggest you give it a try, it's a fun project for the family.
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